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Workshop in January 2024: Experimental methods in conflict research - un taller de experimentación metodológica

Forensic Landscapes by Anne Huffschmid

Forensic Landscapes by Anne Huffschmid

News from Dec 11, 2023

Experimental methods in conflict research – un taller de experimentación metodologica

18 – 20 January 2024, INTERACT, Free University Berlin

Organized by Hannah Franzki (INTERACT), Anne Huffschmid (Lateinamerika-Institut) and Angela María Sánchez Alfonso (INTERACT)


Opening Event: Thursday, 18 January 2024 from 16:30 – 19:00 h (open to all)

------- Streaming Link: https://youtube.com/live/RXiFeLcqtck?feature=share --------

Art-based research experiences in conflicted fields:


The event will take place in English and is open to the public. No registration required.

You find us here: Altensteinstraße 48, 14195 Berlin (ground floor)


Workshop, 19 & 20 January 2024 (in Spanish, registration required)

If you are interested in participating, please send us an email by 8 January 2024 (details below).

On the workshop:

Social science research is gradually opening up to ways of generating and narrating knowledge that are inspired by anthropology, cultural sciences, and art-based research practices. This expansion is routed in a methodological critique of the positivism of classical social sciences, whose methods and tools tend to seek to control, rather than expand, the process of knowledge production. Recent methodological developments seek to amplify the repertoire beyond text-based procedures of knowledge production by including visual and other sensorial information in our research processes. Especially in the context of research on conflicted terrains and violence, such as forced disappearance for instance, this expansion seems to be important to both grasp and represent the various layers of the social phenomena we seek to understand.

For this workshop, we invite people from all disciplinary fields, but with a special interest in researching conflict and/or violence, to join an ongoing and practice-based reflection on experimental research methodologies. Concretely, we propose an expansion beyond the traditional toolbox of social research along three lines: ways of incorporating the senses (visual, sonic etc.), other ways of reading visual archives (photography as method) and ways of creating narrative spaces (transmedia and interactive storytelling). For that purpose, we invited three international scholars and practitioners from Latin America – transmedia expert Pablo Martínez Zarate (Ciudad de Mexico), visual sociologist and photographer Agustina Triquell (Buenos Aires), and visual anthropologist and filmmaker Catalalina Severino Cortés (Bogotá) – to explore the nexus between form and content, sensory impact, perception and sense-making procedures. The workshop aims to provide a collaborative space for experimenting new ways of relating to one’s own (and others’) research materials and questions.

We will kick-off the workshop with a public event open to everyone (in English, no registration necessary). If you would like to participate in the rest of the workshop, please continue reading.

Workshop at INTERACT (Workshop will be held in Spanish, registration required)

Friday, 19 January 2023 09:00 -16:30 h

Saturday, 20 January 2023, 10-12:30 h

During the workshop, three thematic laboratories will be held simultaneously:

a) Exploring and incorporating the senses: workshop facilitated by Catalina Severino Cortés

b) Ways of reading visual archives: workshop facilitated by Agustina Triquell

c) From research to narrative - the potential of interactive and web-based storytelling: workshop facilitated by Pablo Martínez Zarate

In each of the laboratories, all participants will collectively engage with the research materials of two to three participants.

Workshop Participation

The workshop is open to everyone interested in exploring experimental or arts-based methods in the context of their own work. In order to allow for mutual exchange and active participation of everyone, places are limited.

To express your interest in participation, please write an email (English or Spanish) to Angela Sánchez Alfonso (a.sanchez.alfonso@fu-berlin.de) no later than 22 December 2023, containing the following information:

  1. Please explain in three to four sentences your personal interest in the workshop topic
  2. Please indicate your preference for one of the parallel laboratories
  3. In case you would like your own material to be discussed in one of the laboratories, please indicate the nature of the material and the questions that you are interested in.


Screenshot del webdoc Forensic Landscapes (www.forensiclandscapes.com) by Anne Huffschmid

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