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Knowledge Politics in Peace and Conflict

NGO or think tank reports, numbers and indicators, academic analysis, media reporting, policy guidance, truth/inquiry commissions – questions of knowledge production and transfer, as well as the politics thereof, are currently gaining plenty of attention in peace and conflict studies. In this course, we will look into these current debates and cover questions such as who is producing what kind of knowledge, how, and with what (political) purpose? Whose knowledge is seen as valid and why? And with what consequences? We will look at different knowledge products, different actors who produce and transfer knowledge, and at their epistemic practices. Therefore, the course will combine (critical) academic perspectives with perspectives from policy/practice. We will read academic analyses about knowledge politics, analyse knowledge products ourselves, and hear from and discuss with guest speakers (tbc, I will invite both scholars and practitioners). Generally, the course combines text work and presentations with more participatory formats. The willingness to read the (English language) course literature, actively participate in discussions and group works, and contribute to a productive and kind seminar atmosphere are prerequisites for participation. I will announce the concrete modalities of instruction and participation closer to the start of the semester, when it is more foreseeable whether the course can take place in person or online.


Dozent/inDr. Mariam Salehi
SemesterWise 2021/22

Wise 2021/22